Multi Point Diamond Dressers

Multi Point Diamond Dressers Manufacturer in Pune

We are leading Multi Point Diamond Tools manufacturer in Pune, India. Cluster Type Diamond Dressers consist of a number of small natural diamonds of good crystal character, set in a geometric patterns in single layer and sintered in to a special wear resistant bond. This tool replaces single point tool for heavy dressing requirements for coarse grinding wheels. Cluster type diamond dressers gives rapid-dressing without scoring and produce a consistent even surface on the grinding wheel.

The dressing face of cluster type diamond dresser should be set at an angle of 90° to the grinding wheel so that all the diamond points are in contact at the same time. Depth of cut per stroke of the dresser should not exceed 0.01-0.05 mm max. Finer in feeds & smaller cuts will produce higher surface finishes. An adequate supply of coolant should be used both before and during the dressing operation, in order to prolong tool life. We also deal with single point diamond tools.

Multi Point Diamond Dressers are made of selected shaped diamonds, mounted (brazed) in a shank. Only one cutting edge is presented to the grinding wheel. We manufacture this Dressing tools with synthetic “A” Grade & Natural Diamond points only. Carat size of this Diamonds depends on the diameter & width of the grinding wheel. The proper selection of size and quality appropriate for a given application requires qualified and experienced judgment. The lower the feed rate, the finer the surface finish. Diamonds are sensitive to shock and impact. The dresser must be clamped rigidly in place to avoid vibration once dressing begins.

Multi Point (Cluster) Diamond Dressers
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